The Services may contain links or connections to third party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by TruCentive. When you access third party websites or use third party services, you accept that there are risks in doing so and that TruCentive is not responsible for such risks. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Services and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of each third party website or service that you visit or utilize. TruCentive has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, privacy policies, or practices of or opinions expressed in any third party websites or by any third party that you interact with through the Services. In addition, TruCentive will not and cannot monitor, verify, censor or edit the content of any third party site or service. By using the Services, you release and hold us harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of any third party website or service. Your interactions with organizations and/or individuals found on or through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations and/or individuals. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that TruCentive shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.
If there is a dispute between participants on this site, or between users and any third party, you agree that TruCentive is under no obligation to become involved. In the event that you have a dispute with one or more other users, you release TruCentive, its officers, employees, agents, and successors from claims, demands, and damages of every kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or our Services. If you are a California resident, you shall and hereby do waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor.”
Provisions that, by their nature, should survive termination of these Terms shall survive termination. For example, all of the following will survive termination: any obligation you have to pay us or indemnify us, any limitations on our liability, any terms regarding ownership or intellectual property rights, and terms regarding disputes between us.
Attempts to use a closed-loop Instrument at Merchants not selected will be declined. Your Instrument may be intended for online or “brick-and-mortar” use, and online redemption may not be available at all Merchants. You do not have the right to stop payment on any purchase transaction you make using any Instrument. Your Instrument cannot be used to obtain cash (except for direct deposits or as otherwise specified by applicable law) or to conduct illegal transactions. For security reasons, we or the Merchant may limit the amount or number of transactions you can make on your Instrument, and we or the Merchant may refuse to process any transaction we believe may violate these Terms. TruCentive is under no obligation to honor all purchase requests and may also ask for supplemental information such as a phone number or other identifying information to complete a purchase. Further, the amount of time TruCentive needs to evaluate and complete or reject a purchase of an Instrument is neither specified nor guaranteed. Availability of certain Instruments may be limited, and TruCentive cannot guarantee that any Instrument selected by a Purchase or Recipient (as defined below) will be available. In some circumstances TruCentive may substitute another Instrument for one that is not available.
You agree and acknowledge that (1) TruCentive is not a money transmitter, as defined in the United States Code of Federal Regulations 31 CFR 1010.100(ff)(5), (2) TruCentive may accept and transmit funds only integral to the sale of goods or the provision of services by the person who is accepting and transmitting the funds and (3) each Recipient (as defined below) of an Instrument or funds, by its use of the Services and acceptance of that Instrument or funds, hereby appoints TruCentive as such Recipient’s agent for delivery of such Instrument or funds to the Recipient.
Generally, the intended receiver of an Instrument will receive an initial message from TruCentive (an “Envelope”) informing the receiver that someone has sent them an Instrument and providing a link or instructions for how the receiver can view and open the Envelope to redeem the Instrument being delivered. An Envelope constitutes an invitation to the Recipient to obtain the Instrument; only upon the Recipient accepting this invitation by claiming the Instrument (usually by clicking “Open Now” or “Confirm”, depending on the form of Instrument) is the Instrument actually issued, transferred to the Recipient and made subject to laws applicable to the Instrument (such as gift card expiration dates).
In this section, we may refer to you as either a purchaser of an Instrument (“Purchaser”) or as the receiver of an Envelope or Instrument (“Recipient”), as applicable. A Purchaser may be an individual, a Merchant or other business or entity making an Instrument available to a Recipient as an award, compensation, incentive, or promotion, or reward. When purchasing an Instrument, the Purchaser will generally pay the value for which the Instrument may be redeemed (“Instrument Value”) plus applicable processing, support, delivery and transaction fees (“Transaction Fees”). Transaction fees will not be refunded in the event of expiration, cancellation or return of an Instrument for any reason. Certain specifically described Instruments may have an “Excess Value” component, in which the Instrument Value may be more than the price paid for the Instrument. In cases where the refundable value has a stated expiration that differs from the Instrument expiration, the Excess Value will expire while the refundable portion of the Instrument Value (the “Instrument Refund Value”) may continue to have validity. The Instrument Refund value always excludes the Transaction Fees paid for the applicable Instrument and any Excess Value component that may apply to that Instrument. Unused Instrument Value may be subject to eventual forfeiture (also known as escheatment) under Federal and/or State unclaimed property laws. Accordingly, please remember to use Instrument Value in a timely manner. You release TruCentive from all liability in connection with your compliance with such laws.
Purchaser and Recipient are each bound by these Terms. If either Purchaser or Recipient does not agree to the Terms, contact TruCentive at for cancellation and refund prior to opening the applicable Instrument. Recipient is responsible for knowing the exact remaining value on their Instrument (it may be possible to check current balance by contacting the Merchant or card issuer directionally, but TruCentive does not have access to remaining balance information). Recipient agrees to not attempt to charge any amount in excess of the remaining balance of an Instrument. If you attempt to use an Instrument when there are insufficient funds associated with it, the transaction will generally be declined. If a transaction that exceeds the balance of the funds available on your Instrument does occur, you will be liable for the amount of the transaction that exceeds that balance. If you do not have enough funds on your Instrument to cover the cost of a transaction, you should ask the Merchant to split the transaction (Split Tender) so that you pay the remaining portion of the transaction that exceeds the Instrument balance by another method. Not all Merchants may be able or willing to process Split Tender transactions, and TruCentive has no responsibility for any Merchant not doing so.
Instruments may be presented (redeemed) at Merchants’ or (in the case of open loop Instruments) other places of business for redemption in exchange for goods or services or, where applicable, for a gift certificate, in accordance with the terms of each Instrument. TruCentive may also allow Purchasers to offer Recipients the option of directing the value of Instruments they receive (if selected, “Charity Instruments”) to be donated by TruCentive to a selection of charitable organizations. TruCentive will distribute the value of Charity Instruments on a quarterly basis to the organization(s) selected by Recipients, less applicable Transaction Fees of up to 10% of the Charity Instrument’s value. Except for Charity Instruments, the Merchant, not TruCentive, is the seller of the goods and services for which an Instrument may be redeemed and is solely responsible for redeeming any Instrument you purchase or are given. As a Recipient, you may be informed that a Purchaser has shared an Instrument with you by text, by email, through social media channels, and/or by presentation of a printed or other physical version of the Instrument. When you access your Instrument, it will be provided in the form of either a code or another payment process, or as a prepaid gift card code. Unless otherwise noted, codes are multi-use until their Instrument Value has been fully used or the Instrument has expired (if an expiration date is provided).
Once purchased through TruCentive, the Instrument is the property of the Purchaser, who may make the Instrument available to a Recipient (who may also be the Purchaser) to whom these Terms also apply, via social networking websites, email and/or text message, or it may be printed or issued on other physical media for hand-delivery or other means of delivery. Charity Instruments, once selected as such by the Recipients, are automatically released back to TruCentive, who will donate the proceeds (net of applicable Transation Fees) as directed by the Recipients.
A Purchaser may upon request, at TruCentive’s sole discretion, cancel an unopened Envelope or Instrument sent to a Recipient, typically if the Envelope or Instrument was sent to an incorrect Recipient or contains other errors, or for any other valid reason. Once cancelled, any Instrument Refund Value is refunded to the Purchaser in accordance with TruCentive’s standard refund issuance procedures, which is typically within 90 days of TruCentive receiving a written request to do so. TruCentive may, in its sole discretion cancel without notice and (if applicable) refund an Instrument if the Instrument was determined by TruCentive to have been purchased fraudulently or if the purchase of the Instrument was rescinded by the Purchaser in any way after the Instrument was issued but not yet redeemed, or if the Instrument was reported as lost or stolen, or for any reason subject to applicable law. TruCentive will not be liable for failed transactions by Recipient when an Instrument has been cancelled, and when cancelled, an Instrument ceases to be redeemable by the Recipient.
A Purchaser may request that an Instrument be made exchangeable (if not already so marked by Purchaser if Purchaser is presented an option for selecting the exchangeability of an Instrument) for a different Merchant than the one indicated on the Instrument if a valid reason (such as original Merchant being out of business) is presented. Recipient should contact for any exchange request, which will be honored at TruCentive’s sole discretion. At TruCentive’s sole discretion, a refund by check or other means may be offered in cases where a Merchant is unable to redeem an Instrument. TruCentive cannot guarantee that a Merchant will always accept a valid Instrument for redemption.
If an unopened Envelope contains an expiration date, “use-by” date or validity duration as shown to Purchaser and/or Recipient, the Instrument Refund Value for the Instrument within that Envelope (the “Expired Instrument Refund Value”) will be refunded to the Purchaser’s TruCentive account within a reasonable time period subsequent to this date, and the Instrument will immediately cease to be claimable by Recipient. The Purchaser’s TruCentive account value can be used to purchase other Instruments; if you are a Purchaser of an Instrument and wish to retrieve Expired Instrument Refund Value as cash via a check or by other means TruCentive may provide, please contact TruCentive at Instrument Refund Value for Instruments contained in Expired Envelopes is never claimed by TruCentive nor by the Merchant. As long as Expired Instrument Refund Value is unclaimed by the Purchaser (either to purchase other gifts or retrieved as cash), TruCentive may honor a request by Purchaser or Recipient to extend an unopened Envelope’s expiration date if such extension is not disallowed by the Purchaser as established by product features made available to certain Purchasers (typically issuers of award or promotional Instruments). If an Instrument has not been opened and has not been selected for viewing at all prior to the “use by” date (if one is present) (i.e., no portion of the Instrument has been Redeemed by Recipient), Recipient may be given the option of asking TruCentive to donate the Instrument Refund Value to charity or converting such value into a Charity Instrument.
Some Instruments may carry an expiration date in addition to the Instrument expiration date (if present) which is an expiration date on the code associated with validating the Instrument (Instrument Validation Date). The Instrument will be valid until either the Instrument expiration date or the Instrument Validation Date has been reached, whichever is sooner (although for some non-award Instruments, the Instrument Validation Date, if later than the Instrument expiration date, may be honored). If an Instrument has no Instrument Validation Date, the Instrument is considered redeemed (fully used) by TruCentive once the Envelope has been opened and the code on the Instrument has been shown to the Recipient; at that point the Instrument becomes non-refundable, even though the Instrument may not yet have been exchanged for goods or services with the Merchant. Once an Envelope is opened, TruCentive has now ‘sold’ this Instrument/code and is no longer involved in the redemption process for this Instrument/code.
Value Protection Program: Certain open-loop Instruments may show an expiration date and/or be subject to the issuer of an Instrument deducting a monthly/periodic service fee from the value of the Instrument. In this event, either within 24 hours before the stated expiration date of the Instrument or at such time (but not less than 364 days from the date the Instrument is claimed by the Recipient), TruCentive may exercise the affected Instrument and hold the remaining value of such Instrument in its account. This exercise would prevent the expiration of the Instrument and/or pause the deduction of service fees from its value. Recipients may contact TruCentive to reclaim the remaining value of the instrument (in the form of a new instrument) by e-mailing Instruments that were not subject to recurring service fees by the issuer may be reclaimed at any time; Instruments that were subject to recurring service fees may be held until such time as the service fees on the original Instrument would have reduced the value of the Instrument to zero.
If you are entitled to a refund by a Merchant, the Merchant should credit your Instrument with a refund or voided transaction. These returns may not take place immediately and in some cases, may not be done properly; TruCentive has no control over when, if or how a Merchant credits an Instrument. Once selected for donation to a specific organization, Charity Instruments are not refundable.
Some Envelopes may allow recipients to claim more than one Instrument, value permitting. TruCentive may offer Instruments that have values that have been rounded when presented for redemption. As such, the value of the Instruments claimed may be less (individually or in total) than the original Envelope value. Once one or more Instruments in an envelope have been claimed, the Envelope is deemed fully claimed, and any remaining value is not refundable on expiration of the Envelope.
The merchants represented are not sponsors of the rewards or are otherwise affiliated with TruCentive. The logos and other identifying marks attached are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions. TruCentive© 2025